Why Won’t They Listen?

admin/ May 23, 2009/ Events/ 0 comments

What is your testimony today?

Do you believe you should share your testimony with others? Why or why not?

Of what use could your testimony be to others?

Why is anyone who says they know what is right and what is wrong considered to be a troublemaker IF what they consider right and wrong to be something besides waterboarding, smoking, or being fat?

Why is the cross called “foolishness” to the Greeks (1 Corinthians 1:23)?

Acts 2 to the Jews (Peter speaking).
Acts 17 to the Greeks (Paul speaking).
What is the difference in the messages?

List the main three things you know that you know are True?

List the next three things that you are sure are True?

List three things that you wonder if they are True or not?

What is the biggest challenge to your faith today?

How do you know what is right/wrong, worthwhile, able to be ignored, immaterial, essential…?

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